
Procedure for Dispute Resolution


Procedure for Dispute Resolutionв

Approved on August 3, 2009.

The Companies registered Responsible Person and all the employees of the Company involved in insurence or reinsurance policy issuance or servicing must act in accordance with this procedure.

Control over the correct application if this procdure is the duty of the Responsible Person of the Company.

AGGA Brokeris Ltd. Hereinafter refered to as „Company” has approved this procedure in order in protect interests of its clients and to ensure that all complaints related to the services provided by the Company are handled and resolved properly. In order to allow the clients to submit their complaints the Company ensures the following:

  1. 1. In the Office of the Company at address Rīga, Ulbrokas iela 23 every business day from 09:00 till 18:00;
  2. 2. Phone number 26487114;
  3. 3. E-mail: info@agga.lv;
  4. 4. The person responsoble for handling the complaints: Agita Freiberga
  5. 5. Time limits for handling a complaint:

a. Complaint handed in at the Office of the Company: Orally expressed complaints are answered and/or resolved immediately whenever that is possible. If immediate answer or resolution is not possible, answer is provided within 5 working days;

b. Complaint expressed indirectly:

    i. Complaints expressed through phone are answered and/or resolved immediately whenever that is possible. If immediate answer or resolution is not possible, answer is provided within 5 working days;

    ii. Complaits sent by Email - answer is provided within 5 working days;

    iii. Compalints sent by fax - answer is provided within 5 working days;

    iv. Complaints sent by mail - answer is provided within 5 working days;

Answer is provided in a format (orally, by phone, by Email, Fax or Mail) requested by the Client.




Address: Riga, Ulbrokas street 44A

29446479, 26487114


www: agga.lv

Time: 9.00 - 18.00